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FirmoGraphs is continuously tracking major infrastructure projects and trends across the country.


Wastewater Industry Insight


Did you know… Jacobs Construction was awarded Saint Paul Regional Water Services’ $160 million McCarron’s Water Treatment Plant improvement project?


A little more… Brown and Caldwell, the owner advisor to the SPRWS, selected Jacobs to design and build the improvements to the water treatment plant. Using the progressive design-build approach, Jacobs will update the facilities for softening, recarbonation, and ozone. The project is planned to be completed in the summer of 2021.
FirmoGraphs tracks important projects occurring across the country, including wastewater treatment plant projects. There are 160 wastewater treatment plant upgrades starting in 2021, valued at $5.4 billion. Schedule a market opportunity workshop today to learn how FirmoGraphs can help your team extend its reach.


FirmoGraphs curates data and news about the U.S. Wastewater market, including important regulatory changes, capital plans, and project awards. This information gives wastewater industry executives a leg-up in their local, state, and national business development activities within the United States.


Industry Insights give you information that you may not otherwise notice within large Business Intelligence applications.