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FirmoGraphs is continuously tracking major infrastructure projects and trends across the country.


Coal Ash Industry Insight

Did you know… that 18 CCR units started their closure process during April 2021?


A little more… These 18 CCR units are located across 14 different states, including Illinois and Texas. For the closure approach, 10 units chose closure by removal method, while the remaining 8 units chose closure in place method. Combined, the units have over 33.2 million cubic yards of CCR. FirmoGraphs is tracking closure activities, including dewatering, cap construction, permitting and upcoming bids.


FirmoGraphs curates data and news about U.S. coal ash, including important regulatory changes, capital plans, and project awards. This information gives coal ash industry executives a leg-up in their local, state, and national business development activities within the United States.


Industry Insights give you information that you may not otherwise notice within large Business Intelligence applications.