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FirmoGraphs is continuously tracking major infrastructure projects and trends across the country.


Power Generation Industry Insight

Did you know… that Wisconsin’s 5,800-acre solar project is set to begin construction in April 2021?

A little more… Valued at $862 million the six solar farms are set to begin construction next month. Located across six counties in Wisconsin, the finished project will have over 2.1 million solar panels, generating 1.4 million MWh of power per year. Four of the projects are planned to finish in the fall of 2022 and the other two are planned to finish in 2023. The six solar farms are being developed by 4 organizations. Ranger Power will be developing the Crawfish River and Onion River sites, NextEra will be developing the Grant County site, Geronimo Energy will develop the North Rock site, and Savion will develop the Richland and Wood County sites. To date, this is the largest planned solar project in Wisconsin’s history.


FirmoGraphs is continuously looking for major infrastructure projects across the country, with the intent that you may involve your business as early as possible in the next project phase. This information gives power industry executives a leg-up in their local, state, and national business development activities within the United States. Contact us to discuss the insights you can gain with PUC Mart.


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