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Our May 2021 Power Generation & Supply Market Recap is a snapshot of the data and information we curate. We share industry drivers, notable projects, recent mergers and acquisitions, interesting reads, and updates on upcoming meetings and conferences.

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Industry Drivers


Our data team tracks new and updated industry drivers. Here are some recent drivers we have been following this month:

SB1086 - An Act Amending the Environmental Protection Act

Status: Effective

Organization: Illinois State Legislature

Summary: On May 14, 2021, an Act to amend the Environmental Protection Act was introduced before the Illinois State legislature. The part of the bill that was amended deals with provisions regarding CCR surface impoundments. Now, the bill states that the permit issued by the Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency under the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, shall be considered to be a permit under State provisions. This Act is effective immediately.

Click here for more information 


California Senate Bill 423

Status: Proposed

Organization: California State Legislature

Summary: On May 24, 2021, a bill to enforce the state board and Energy Commission to timely include emerging renewable energy and firm zero-carbon resources into its energy and resource planning processes, was introduced before the California legislature. The 100 Percent Clean Energy Act of 2018 requires the PUC to establish resource adequacy requirements for all load-serving entities, including electrical corporations, electric service providers, and community choice aggregators. This bill would require the PUC to guarantee that the resource adequacy requirements result in the load-serving entities having sufficient resources to maintain reliable electrical service during multi day extreme or atypical weather events.

Click here for more information 


Texas Pollinator-Smart Program

Status: Proposed

Organization: Texas State Legislature

Summary: On May 26, 2021, the Texas legislature passed a bill related to establishing the Texas Pollinator-Smart program for solar energy sites. The Program shall develop and implement the Texas Pollinator-Smart program to encourage the voluntary establishment and conservation of habitats for bees, birds, and other pollinators in and near solar energy sites.

Click here to read more 


Arizona Regulators Adopt Revamped Clean-Energy Rules

Status: Effective

Organization: Arizona Corporation Commission

Summary: On May 26, 2021, the Arizona Corporation Commission held a Special Open Meeting where new rules that would require Arizona utilities to get 100% of their energy from carbon-free sources by the end of 2070 were voted 3-2. Under these rules, utilities must reach 100% carbon-free power by 2070 in five steps, beginning with 50% by the end of 2032, rising to 65% by 2040, and reaching 80% by 2050. The utilities would have to get a 95% carbon cut by the end of 2060 and 100% by 2070.

Contact FirmoGraphs For More Information.


National Institutes of Clean Energy Act

Status: Proposed

Organization: U.S. House

Summary: On May 28, 2021, the National Institutes of Clean Energy Act was introduced in the House of Representatives. The Act would finance $400 billion over the next ten years to establish and operate a new Institute housed in the Department of Energy that focuses on research and development of advanced clean energy technologies.

Click here for more information 


Nevada Passes Clean Energy Bill Requiring State to Join RTO

Status: Proposed

Organization: Nevada State Legislature

Summary: On May 29, 2021, the Nevada State legislature passed Senate Bill 488. The bill proposes speeding up the construction of an enormous transmission project, increasing investments for electric vehicle infrastructure, and requiring that the state join a regional transmission organization (RTO) by 2030. 

Click here for more information 


Notable Projects

Firmographs Power Market Recap

We track notable projects from the proposal stage to becoming effective. Here are some of the recent notable projects we have been tracking.

$250 Million Backbone Solar Project

Type: Solar Generation                                            

Status: Proposed

Organization: CPB Backbone Solar, LLC

Scale: 175 megawatts (MW)  

Summary: On April 27, 2021, the CPV Backbone Solar, LLC submitted its application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct a 175MW solar photovoltaic generating facility before the PUC of Maryland. The Backbone Solar Project is a 175 MW AC solar PV project involving a limit of construction of about 1,170 acres, consisting of a solar array and associated interconnection facilities. The Project will involve a capital investment of approximately $250 million. Construction is expected to occur during the period from May 2022 to August 2023.

Click here for more information 


Final Decision on $51.6 Million Arcadian Substation Rebuild Project

Type: Electricity                                            

Status: Approved

Organization: American Transmission Company, LLC (ATC)

Summary: On May 12, 2021, the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin released its final decision about the application of ATC regarding the authority to rebuild its existing Arcadian Substation in the City of New Berlin, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. The proposed project is necessary to replace obsolete and/or poorly performing assets to ensure long-term system reliability. As part of the project, ATC also proposed reconfiguring the substation to a breaker-and-a-half scheme. The reconfiguration of the bus will provide appropriate operational and reliable performance. ATC initially filed its application on December 3, 2020, and the application was granted.

Click here for more information 


$82 Million 2021-2023 Washington Pipeline Replacement Plan

Type: Pipeline

Status: Proposed

Organization: Enable Gas Transmission, LLC

Summary: On May 18, 2021, the Enable Gas Transmission, LLC (EGT)  submitted before the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) its Prior Notice of Blanket Certificate Activity for the Taylor Compressor Station Retirement Project. EGT proposes to abandon in place seven 1,500 horsepower compressor units and facilities located at its Taylor Compressor Station. EGT further proposes removing mainline valve #15 on Line S and installing about 30 feet of 20-inch pipe in its place. All major and minor additional facilities, including the compressor station fuel meter and additional fuel meter, will also be removed. Electrical connections to the units will also be disconnected. EGT will install a new transmitter on the existing meter on Line S. Upon completing the abandonment work, the compressor units and supporting facilities will remain in place and used for spare parts. EGT will continue operating and maintaining the existing office building, station yard, and fence line. The estimated cost for this project is $30.2 million.

Click here for more information 


$30.2 Million Taylor Compressor Station Retirement Project

Type: Pipeline

Status: Proposed

Organization: Enable Gas Transmission, LLC

Summary: On May 18, 2021, the Enable Gas Transmission, LLC (EGT)  submitted before the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) its Prior Notice of Blanket Certificate Activity for the Taylor Compressor Station Retirement Project. EGT proposes to abandon in place seven 1,500 horsepower compressor units and facilities located at its Taylor Compressor Station. EGT further proposes removing mainline valve #15 on Line S and installing about 30 feet of 20-inch pipe in its place. All major and minor additional facilities, including the compressor station fuel meter and additional fuel meter, will also be removed. Electrical connections to the units will also be disconnected. EGT will install a new transmitter on the existing meter on Line S. Upon completing the abandonment work, the compressor units and supporting facilities will remain in place and used for spare parts. EGT will continue operating and maintaining the existing office building, station yard, and fence line. The estimated cost for this project is $30.2 million.

Click here for more information 

Notable M&A


The following  M&A transactions in the Power Generation and Supply Industry stand out in the month of May:

What We Are Reading

Reading News and Market Updates

Here are some recent articles our team has been reading:

Meeting Planner

Meeting Planner

Organizations have shifted their event strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic.  We are tracking these changing meeting plans.  

Meetings in May and June 2021

Early Birds Registration


US Power