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In August, our team tracked 

City of Hamilton Proposes a $150,000 Transmission Pole Replacement Project

City of Hamilton

Type: Transmission line
Status: Proposed
Organization: City of Hamilton, Ohio
Scale: 138 kilovolts (kV) and 15 kV
Construction Dates: August 2020 - March 2021

Summary: On August 4, 2020, the City of Hamilton, Ohio, filed a Construction Notice with the Ohio Power Siting Board to review Accelerated Certificate Applications. The City proposed to install new 138 kV transmission poles and one new 15 kV transmission pole in place of one existing 138 kV transmission pole in an existing utility. This is required to connect a current 129 kV circuit to a new substation between existing substations 11 and 15, on land owned by the City. The project will extend an existing transmission line close to 0.2 miles to connect to a new substation. The project is located in the City of Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio, around 20 miles Northwest of the City of Cincinnati. If approved, the construction will start in August 2020 with an in-service date by March 2021. The proposed project's cost is between $100,000 and $150,000 for the placement of new transmission poles and an additional $10,000,000 to $12,000,000 for the completion of the new substation.

NextEra Energy Pipeline Holding Gains Approval of $130 Million Pipeline Construction Project


Type: Pipeline construction
Status: Effective
Organization: Alabama Public Service Commission
Data source: 

Summary: On August 4, 2020, Alabama Public Service Commission issued an order granting the Nextera Energy Pipeline Holdings Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (Lowman), Inc., to construct, own and operate an intrastate natural gas pipeline. The Company applied with the Commission in October 2019, seeking a certificate. The Project proposed a pipeline spanning around 51 miles through Choctaw and Washington Counties. The pipeline would transport natural gas to PowerSouth Energy Cooperative and its affiliates for use at the proposed Charles R. Lowman combined-cycle natural gas electric generation plant to be constructed by PowerSouth in Washington County. The estimated cost of the proposed pipeline is around $120 million to $130 million.

Michigan's Partello Plans a $19 Million Transmission Pipeline Replacement

Utility Plans for Michigan Pipeline Project

Type: Transmission Pipeline
Status: Proposed
Organization: Michigan Gas Utilities Corporation (MGUC)
Scale: 1000 pound-force per square inch (psig)
Construction Dates: in service by 2022
Data source: 

Summary: On August 5, 2020, Michigan Gas Utilities Corporation (MGUC) filed a request with the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) to grant a certificate of public convenience and necessity to construct a natural gas transmitter pipeline to replace the aging Partello Transmission pipeline. The pipeline is located in Calhoun County, Michigan, and is around 14.5 miles in length. MGUC’s Transmission Integrity Management Programs (TIMP) inspection in 2018 required that the Company implement an Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment (ICDA) program or in-line inspection program (ILI) by April of 2022. MGUC determined current pipeline in-line inspection plans require significant investment. MGUC requests authority to construct and operate a natural gas transmission pipeline to replace the existing Partello transmission pipeline operating from the Partello Compressor Facility to the Vector Pipeline Marshall Station interconnect in Marshall, Michigan. This replacement Partello transmission pipeline will be around 15 miles, 10-inch nominal diameter. Also, the MGUC anticipates operating expenses relating to the PTP to be less, in comparison to the existing pipeline. The Proposed Partello Pipeline will have a maximum allowable pressure (MAOP) of 1000 psig.

Hawaiian Electric Applies for Funding of over $2.5 Million for Archer GIS Replacement Project

Hawaiian ElectricType: Equipment replacement
Status: Proposed
Organization: Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc.
Scale: 45 kilovolts (kV)
Data source: 

Summary: On August 10, 2020, Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc., filed an application with Hawaii's Public Utilities Commission to commit funds in excess of $2.5 million for Archer Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) Replacement project. Since the Hawaiian Electric's Archer Substation reported facing component failures with its 46 kV GIS equipment, this project proposes to replace 30-year old GIS equipment and 46 kV protective relays at Archer Substation, which were installed when the Archer Substation was originally constructed. The existing electromechanical relays are obsolete and will be replaced with new microprocessor relays, which will provide support for a future smart grid. The total estimated cost of the project is $32.9 million.

AEP Ohio Transmission Applies for an Amendment to the Ginger Switch - Vigo 138 kV Transmission Line Project


Type: Transmission Line
Status: Proposed
Organization: AEP Ohio Transmission Company, Inc.
Scale: 138 kilovolts (kV)

Summary: On August 14, 2020, AEP Ohio Transmission Company, Inc. filed an Amendment Application in its Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need for the Ginger Switch - Vigo 138 kV Transmission Line Project with the Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB). The purpose of this Amendment Application is to document changes to the Amended Preferred Route and seek OPSB approval of the revised alignment. The Company has provided OPSB final locations of staging areas and laydown yards. American Electric Power Ohio Transmission Company, Inc. is proposing the Ginger Switch‐Vigo 138 kV Transmission Line Project, known as the Liberty 138 kV Transmission Line Rebuild Project. The Project is part of the Ross‐Jackson Area Improvements Project, whose purpose is to improve the reliability of the electric transmission grid in Ross and Jackson Counties, OH. The Project involves rebuilding around 7 miles of the existing Berlin‐Ross 69 kV transmission line to 138 kV standards. Construction of the Project started in the third quarter of 2020 and is expected to end in the third-fourth quarter of 2021. Once the new line is completed, the existing 69 kV transmission line is planned to be removed.

Boardman Power Plant Application For Authority To Decrease Rates by $3.9 Million

Boardman Power Plant

Type: Rate decrease
Status: Proposed
Organization: Idaho Power Company
Data source:

Summary: On August 21, 2020, Idaho Power Company applied to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to decrease its rates for electric service for costs associated with the Boardman Power Plant. Idaho Power Company found that all actual Boardman power plant investments made from June 1, 2012, through June 30, 2020, were prudently incurred and decreased customer rates by $3.9 million to reflect full depreciation of all Boardman investments which equals a decrease of 0.33%. The Application included the tariff sheets specifying the proposed rates for providing retail electric service to its customers following the price decrease to remove Boardman levelized revenue requirement amounts for January 1, 2021, through December 31, 2021. The Company requests approval to reinvest the customer savings into energy efficiency to limit impacts to customer bills and facilitate a single rate change for customers.

Greensboro Solar Proposes a Solar Panel Farm with 330,000 Panels

Greensboro Solar

Type: Solar facility
Status: Proposed
Organization: Greensboro Solar Center, LLC
Scale: 100 megawatts (MW) + 30 MW
Data source:

Summary: On August 27, 2020, Greensboro Solar Center, LLC, filed a request for the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission to decline to exercise jurisdiction over the Petitioner's construction, ownership, and operation of a proposed solar power electric generating facility to be known as Greensboro Solar Center, LLC. The Company offers to construct, own, and operate the Greensboro Solar Facility, located in Henry County, Indiana. The Greensboro Solar Facility will generate up to around 100MW (nameplate capacity, alternating current) of electricity from about 330,000 solar panels over a 712-acre solar panel farm, and be joined with around 30 MW battery storage facility. The Facility's activity qualifies it as a 'public utility' and an 'energy utility.' The Company requests that the Commission refuse to exercise any jurisdiction to require the Company to get a certificate of public convenience and necessity to construct the Greensboro Solar Facility and regulate the Company's construction, ownership, and operation of the Greensboro Solar Facility. Petitioner plans to self-certify the Brickyard Solar Facility as an Exempt Wholesale Generator (EWG). The Facility will exclusively serve the wholesale power market and does not intend to recover the Facility costs from Indiana customers through rate base, rate of return, or comparable methods typically associated with retail public utility rates. Company requests consideration of the requested relief to be issued by the Commission on or before March 31, 2021.

Brickyard Solar Proposes a 2,000-Acre Solar Farm

brickyard solar

Type: Solar facility
Status: Proposed
Organization: Brickyard Solar, LLC
Scale: 200 megawatts (MW)

Summary: On August 27, 2020, Brickyard Solar, LLC, filed a request for the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission to decline to exercise its jurisdiction over the Petitioner’s construction, ownership, and operation of a proposed solar power electric generating facility to be known as Brickyard Solar. The Company offers to construct, own, and operate the Brickyard Solar Facility, located in Boone County, Indiana. The Brickyard Solar Facility will generate up to around 200MW (nameplate capacity, alternating current) of electricity from about 675,000 solar panels over a 2,000-acre solar panel farm. The Company requests that the Commission refuse to exercise any jurisdiction to require the Company to get a certificate of public convenience and necessity to construct the Brickyard Solar Facility and regulate the Company's construction, ownership, and operation of the Brickyard Solar Facility. Transmission and substation facilities are planned to be situated in Boone County. Petitioner plans to self-certify the Brickyard Solar Facility as an Exempt Wholesale Generator (EWG). The Facility will exclusively serve the wholesale power market and does not intend to recover the Facility costs from Indiana customers through rate base, rate of return, or comparable methods typically associated with retail public utility rates. Company requests consideration of the requested relief to be issued by the Commission on or before March 31, 2021.

Columbia Gas of Ohio Gets Approval For Its $28 Million Pipeline Project


Type: Pipeline project
Status: Effective
Organization: Columbia Gas of Ohio
Scale: 190 pounds per square inch (psi)
Data source:

Summary: On August 27, 2020, the Ohio Power Siting Board decided on issuing a certificate to Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. to construct, operate, and maintain a 4.78-mile natural gas pipeline near Marysville, Union County, Ohio. Columbia Gas filed a letter of notification application on December 20, 2019, asking Boards approval for the proposed Marysville Connector Pipeline Project. The proposed project will be approximately 4.78 miles in length, with a maximum allowable operating pressure of 190 psi gauge. It will provide natural gas service to new industries, commercial and residential development along the route. Columbia intends to begin construction late 2021 and anticipates to place the line in service by late 2022.

AEP Ohio Transmission Company Notice of Withdrawal of Application Without Prejudice for the Cole – Amlin 138kV Transmission Line Relocation Project

Ohio AEP

Type: Transmission Pipeline
Status: Withdrawn
Organization: AEP Ohio Transmission Company

Scale: 138 kilovolts (kV)
Data source: 

Summary: On August 28, 2020, AEP Ohio Transmission Company, Inc. withdrew without prejudice its Application for the Cole – Amlin 138kV Transmission Line Relocation Project, and requested for the case to be closed. The Company originally filed its Letter of Notification Application on May 20, 2020.

AEP Ohio Transmission Company Notice of Withdrawal of Application Without Prejudice for the Culbertson 138 kV Transmission Line Extension Project

AEP Ohio 3

Type: Transmission Pipeline
Status: Withdrawn
Organization: AEP Ohio Transmission Company
Scale: 138 kilovolts (kV)
Data source: 

Summary: On August 24, 2020, AEP Ohio Transmission Company, Inc. withdrew without prejudice its Application for the Culbertson 138 kV Transmission Line Extension Project, and requested for the case to be closed. The Company originally filed its Letter of Notification Application on April 29, 2020.

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