Hello Everyone!
Here's our Power Generation & Supply Roundup for the month of November with interesting industry drivers, notable merger and acquisition transactions, and upcoming conferences and meetings. Enjoy, and provide feedback on how we can continue to improve!
EPA is proposing amendments to the closure regulations for the disposal of coal combustion residuals in response to the court decisions. In particular, the proposal includes:
Establishing a new deadline of August 31, 2020 for all unlined surface impoundments and those surface impoundments that failed the location restriction for placement above the uppermost aquifer to stop receiving waste and begin closure or retrofit.
Establishing procedures for facilities to obtain additional time to develop alternate capacity to manage their waste streams (both coal ash and non-coal ash) before they have to stop receiving waste and initiate closure of their coal ash surface impoundments.
Changing the classification of compacted-soil lined or clay-lined surface impoundments from “lined” to “unlined”.
EPA is soliciting comments in a 60-day comment period (ending January 31, 2020), during which a virtual public hearing will be held on January 7, 2020 for interested persons to present information, comments or views concerning these proposed changes. For additional information see:
The EPA published a draft proposed regulation revising the technology-based effluent limitations guidelines and standards (ELGs) for the steam electric power generating point source category, particularly to flue gas desulfurization (FGD) wastewater and bottom ash (BA) transport water. The stated aim is to achieve greater pollution reductions than the 2015 rule, at a lower cost.
The EPA will conduct an online public hearing about the proposed rule on Thursday, December 19, 2019, at 1:00 PM EST.
For additional information see: tinyurl.com/ELGupdate
As per FirmoGraphs’ records, the following M&A transactions in the Power Generation and Supply Industry, stand out in the month of November:
Don't miss the opportunity to have face-to-face meetings with your prospects and customers! We track meetings of interest to our customers serving the US power generation and supply industry so you won’t miss upcoming meetings and deadlines.
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