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The October 2023 Transportation Market Recaap is a recap of some of the most interesting and useful transit industry news from the previous month. It contains updates on industry drivers, notable projects, and recent mergers and acquisitions, as well as some interesting reads, and upcoming meetings and conferences.

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Industry Drivers


Our data team tracks new and updated industry drivers. Here are some recent drivers we have been following in October:

Seattle Releases Climate Change Response Framework to Reduce Transportation Emissions

Status: Effective

Organization: Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT)

Summary: On October 2, 2023, SDOT released its first-ever Climate Change Response Framework (CCRF), a vision for reducing transportation emissions in the city. The CCRF is based on the Mayor's OneSeattle Transportation & Climate Justice Executive Order, which directs city departments to prioritize and expand actions that equitably reduce or eliminate greenhouse gas emissions within the transportation sector. The CCRF is a critical input into the Seattle Transportation Plan (STP), the 20-year vision for the future of the city's transportation system. The key focus areas outlined in the CCRF include:

  • Fostering climate justice.
  • Emphasizing the importance of short trips under 3 miles.
  • Enhancing the convenience and affordability of transit options.
  • Promoting climate-friendly travel choices like walking, biking, and rolling.
  • Optimizing freight efficiency.
  • Electrifying Seattle.

Click Here for More Information


Notable Capital Improvement Programs


Here are some recent, notable Capital Improvement Programs (CIPs). FirmoGraphs has deconstructed the CIPs into data elements, along with available project descriptions. Please feel free to request a meeting and review the data live in our business intelligence application.

Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority, New York, Planned Capital Program Increased by 29%

In the CIP covering the 2024-2028 fiscal years, Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority, New York, detailed plans to spend $1.3 billion on capital projects, an increase of 29% from $1 billion in its 2023-2027 CIP. The current CIP has 506 line items, compared to 428 line items in the prior CIP. The table below breaks down Niagara Frontier Transportation’s planned capital spending by business area for its last two CIPs.

nfta new york capital spending table

Planned Spending Increases in Nearly All Business Areas

Planned spending in the Bus Vehicle category increased largely by 126%. The nearly $172 million increase goes to purchasing Diesel Buses and Battery Electric Buses. The Buffalo Niagara International Airport and Metro Rail Engineering also increased by $75 million and $60 million, with funding towards existing projects.

Buffalo Niagara International Airport Projects to Receiver Over $100 Million

Out of 506 line items, Niagara Frontier has one notable line item valued at over $50 million and two valued at over $25 million, all belonging to the Buffalo Niagara International Airport category. The largest project is the R/W 5/23 Improvements  - Pavement Rehabilitation/ Airfield Signage Replacement/ R/W Incursion Lighting - Phase II (Construction), approximately $61 million. $26 million is also planned for the R/W 5/23 Improvements - Pavement Rehabilitation/ Airfield Signage Replacement/ R/W Incursion Lighting - Phase Interstate (Construction). Lastly, $27 million is planned for the Ga Apron And T/W P, Q, & D Rehabilitation (Construction).

Click Here to See Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority, New York CIP

Sacramento Regional Transit District, California, Planned Capital Program Increased by 22%

In the CIP covering the 2024 fiscal year, Sacramento Regional Transit District, California, detailed plans to spend nearly $1.5 billion on capital projects, an increase of 22% from $1.2 billion in its 2023 CIP. The current CIP has 121 line items, compared to 132 line items in the prior CIP. The table below breaks down Sacramento Regional Transit’s  planned capital spending by business area for its last two CIPs.

Sacramento Regional Transit District California capital spending table

Increase In Planned Spending Goes to New and Ongoing Projects

Planned spending in the Passenger Stations increased by 70% or $132 million for existing projects. In addition, there are new projects in the Revenue Vehicles business area, including 40’ Replacement Buses (50) worth $22 million. Lastly, the Guideway category also increased by 13% with funding towards ongoing projects.

Light Rail Projects To Receive Over $90 Million

Sacramento Regional Transit District, California, has four notable line items out of 121, valued at over $50 million. The most notable line item belongs to the Passenger Stations, the Gold Line Light Rail Station Low Floor Conversion, worth nearly $98 million. Another $90 million is planned for the Blue Line Light Rail Station Low Floor Conversion. Both projects include constructing new raised platforms at light rail stations on the Blue Line to facilitate the use of low-floor light rail vehicles. The other two notable line items belong to the Guideway business area - $97 million for the LR Modern 15 Min Service to Folsom (Side Track) to complete track and signal work on the segment of the Gold Line between Sunrise and Historic Folsom Light Rail Stations to enable 15-minute service from downtown Sacramento to Folsom. Lastly, $96 million for the Sacramento Valley Double Tracking/MLS Station/Tail Track project.

CapMetro, Texas, Planned Capital Program Increased by 70%

In the CIP covering the 2024-2028 fiscal years, CapMetro, Texas, detailed plans to spend $1.2 billion on capital projects, an increase of 70% from $690 million in its 2023-2027 CIP. The current CIP has 28 line items, compared to 29 line items in the prior CIP. The table below breaks down CapMetro’s planned capital spending by business area for its last two CIPs.

CapMetro Texas capital spending table

Increase Due to New and Ongoing Projects

Planned spending in the Infrastructure Development decreased by 51% due to projects nearing completion, including Facility Enhancements and Bus Stop Amenities and Enhancements. Despite the decrease, there is a large increase in the total programmed CIP because of the addition of Project Connect, worth $475 million.

Project Connect to Receive Over $400 Million

CapMetro, Texas, has three notable line items valued at over $100 million and two over $50 million. The largest is Project Connect, worth $475 million, under the Project Connect category. This project is for preliminary engineering and environmental clearance of the Orange and Blue Light Rail lines, four new CapMetro Rapid lines, McKalla-MLS Red Line Station, park and rides, end-of-line electric charging infrastructure, and non-revenue vehicles. Other projects are listed below:

  • Bus Fleet - worth $216 million, under the Vehicles category. This project includes replacements and additions of electric buses, commuter coaches, and chargers.
  • Facility Enhancements - PAM - worth $164 million, under Facilities and Real Estate. This project includes the completion of a new temporary police station, initial build-out of the new headquarters, extension of the 9315 rail O&M facility south for covered storage, improvements to the new bus, demand response, and MetroBike interim site, numerous energy conservation measures, a new 9315 building enterprise management system, 9315 submetering installs, irrigation system upgrades, and several other key projects that will support the enhancements of CapMetro's existing and new facilities.
  • Facility Enhancements - worth $66 million, under the Infrastructure Development category. This project includes bus electrification infrastructure; final design of the new north base demand response facility; upgrades at the north operations rail maintenance shop; design, permitting, and build-out of the new Tillery headquarters; ongoing improvements to 2910 East 5th Street administrative facility; placing charging equipment at the Menchaca Road Park & Ride facility; upgrades and improvements to various existing CapMetro facilities or leased facility for other operations, maintenance, safety/security, and administrative functions.
  • Railroad Commuter Enhancements - worth $63 million, under the Railroad Commuter category. This project includes double track, drainage, and signals at McKalla Red Line station, double track from Onion Street to East Timbes and Plaza Saltillo Station, Broadmoor Station, and PTC optimization.

Click Here to See CapMetro, Texas CIP

Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation, Michigan, Planned Capital Program Increased by 4%

In the CIP covering the 2024-2038 fiscal years, Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation, Michigan, detailed plans to spend nearly $295 million on capital projects, an increase of 4% from $284 million in its 2023-2027 CIP. The current CIP has 59 line items, compared to 45 line items in the prior CIP. The table below breaks down Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation’s  planned capital spending by business area for its last two CIPs.

smart bus michigan capital spending table

Almost All Business Areas Increased

Planned spending in the Smart category increased by 4% for Facility Renovation. The Bus Replacement - F/R also increased by $20 million from $23 million to nearly $43 million. In addition, the ongoing Preventive Maintenance also increased by $5 million. On the Contrary, the Operating and service Expansion decreased due to ongoing projects.

Smart Project to Receive Over $40 Million

The Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation, Michigan, has one project valued at over $25 million, belonging to the Smart business area. The project is the Bus Replacement- F/R, worth $43 million.

Click Here to See Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation, Michigan CIP

City of Charlotte, North Carolina, Planned Capital Program Increased by 8%

In the CIP covering the 2024-2028 fiscal years, City of Charlotte, North Carolina, detailed plans to spend nearly $5.6 billion on capital projects, an increase of 8% from $5.2 billion in its 2023-2027 CIP. The current CIP has 254 line items, compared to 268 line items in the prior CIP. The table below breaks down Charlotte’s planned capital spending by business area for its last two CIPs.

charlotte north carolina capital spending table

Most Significant Increase In Aviation & Charlotte Area Transit System

The Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation, Michigan, has one project valued at over $25 million, belonging to the Smart business area. The project is the Bus Replacement- F/R, worth $43 million.

Aviation Projects to Receiver Over $1 Billion

The City of Charlotte, North Carolina has three projects valued at over $300 million. The largest project is the Fourth Parallel Runway, worth $940 million, under the Aviation category. Another $423 million is planned for the South Ramp Expansion Phase 1. Lastly, the project belongs to the Charlotte Water category, which is the Stowe Regional Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF), worth $346 million. 

Click Here to See City of Charlotte, North Carolina CIP

City of Spokane Engineering Division, Washington, Planned Capital Spending Increased By 20%

In the CIP covering the 2024-2029 fiscal years, the City of Spokane Engineering Division, Washington, detailed plans to spend $223 million on capital projects, an increase of 20% from $187 million in its 2023-2028 CIP. The current CIP has 41 line items, compared to 68 line items in the prior CIP. The table below breaks down Spokane Engineering Division’s planned capital spending by business area for its last two CIPs.

Spokane Engineering Division Washington capital spending table

Increase Due to New and Ongoing Projects

Planned Capital Spending increased by 20% mainly due to ongoing projects which increased in the current CIP. There is also a new project, the Barker Road Corridor (Mission Ave. to South City Limit), worth $27 million.

Road Reconstruction to Receive Over $40 Million

The City of Spokane Engineering Division, Washington has four notable projects valued at over $20 million. The largest project is the Sullivan Road / SR 290 Interchange Reconstruction, worth $43 million. The project involves reconstructing interchange to improve safety and capacity. Includes widening of Sullivan between Trent & Wellesley, adding ITS, center turn lane, lighting, and shared use path. Listed below are the other notable items:

  • Pines Road (SR27) / BNSF Grade Separation Project - valued at $40 million. The project involves constructing Grade Separation at Pines/BNSF RR/Trent (SR290).
  • Barker Road Corridor (Mission Ave. to South City Limit) - valued at $27 million. The project involves Phased improvements: Mission to I-90 & I-90 to Appleway (5-lanes), Appleway to Sprague to 4th to 8th (3-lanes). Roundabouts at Sprague, 4th & 8th Ave. Bikes lanes, sidewalks, ITS, and stormwater as needed.
  • Argonne Road & I-90 Interchange Bridge Widening - valued at $23.7 million. The project involves widening the Argonne Road bridge to 3 lanes and improving pedestrian & bicycle facilities. New channelization to evaluate future STA park & ride facilities.

Click Here to See City of Spokane Engineering Division, Washington CIP

What We Are Reading

Reading News and Market Updates

Here are some recent articles our team has been reading: