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Our July 2021 Water and Wastewater Market Recap is a snapshot of water industry insights. We share industry drivers, notable projects, recent mergers and acquisitions, interesting reads, and updates on upcoming meetings and conferences.

Industry Drivers

Drivers Power Generation Roundup-min

Our data team tracks new and updated industry drivers. Here are some recent drivers we have been following this month:

EPA Identifies Drinking Water Contaminants for Potential Regulation

Status: Proposed

Organization: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Summary: On July 12, 2021, the EPA published a draft of the Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List 5, which is the Fifth Contaminant Candidate List (CCL 5) published by the agency since the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) amendments of 1996. The contaminants on the list occur, or are ones the EPA anticipates will occur, in public water systems and may require regulation under the SDWA.  Draft CCL 5 includes 66 individual chemicals; 12 microbial groups; and three chemical groups: per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), cyanotoxins, and disinfection byproducts (DBPs). EPA is seeking comments on the Draft CCL 5 on or before September 17, 2021.

Click Here for More Information 


Status Update: PFAS Action Act

Status: Proposed

Organization: U.S. House

Summary: On July 21, 2021, the U.S. House passed the PFAS Action Act, initially introduced in April. The Act would form a national drinking water standard for PFAS chemicals, designate PFAS as hazardous substances, limit industrial discharges, and provide $200 million annually to help water utilities and wastewater treatment facilities.

Click Here for More Information 

New Jersey AB 5343 - A Bill Relating to Replacing Lead Service Lines Within 10 Years

Status: Effective

Organization: New Jersey State Legislature

Summary: On July 22, 2021, the New Jersey legislature passed and Gov. Phil Murphy signed a partisan bill that requires public water systems to replace lead service lines in the next 10 years. The bill will allow water companies to raise rates on property owners to pay for the replacements, though it's possible federal funds could help cover their estimated $2.65 billion cost.

Click Here for More Information 

The Clean Water for Delaware Act

Status: Effective

Organization: Delaware State Legislature

Summary: On July 22, 2021, Delaware Governor John Carney signed the Clean Water for Delaware Act,  which creates a $50 million Clean Water Trust to protect Delaware’s waterways and rebuild the state’s drinking water infrastructure with a focus on underserved communities.

Click Here for More Information 

Governor Wolf Announces $97 Million Investment in Clean, Lead-Free Water Infrastructure Projects in 19 Counties

Status: Effective

Organization: Pennsylvania State Legislature

Summary: On July 26, 2021, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf announced $97 million in funding for 25 drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, and non-point source projects across 19 counties through the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority.

Contact FirmoGraphs For More Information

Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Grant Program

Status: Effective

Organization: Ohio State Legislature

Summary: On July 30, 2021, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine launched a $250 million grant program to invest in the state's water infrastructure. The program will provide safe, reliable drinking water in areas that need infrastructure, bring sewage treatment capacity to areas without sewers, and develop regional infrastructure to serve multiple communities. Water and wastewater construction projects are eligible for grants of up to $5 million, and infrastructure engineering design projects are eligible for grants of up to $250,000. The program is a part of HB 168, signed in June, with money appropriated through the American Rescue Plan Act.

Contact FirmoGraphs For More Information

Notable Capital Improvement Programs


Here are some recent, notable Capital Improvement Programs (CIPs). FirmoGraphs has deconstructed the CIPs into data elements, along with available project descriptions. Please feel free to request a meeting and review the data live in the BI.

California Anaheim City Reported $10.27% Increase in the 2022 - 2026 CIP as Compared to Previous Year

In the year 2020 Anaheim City Council, California, released the 2022-2026 Capital Improvement Plan showing the projects. The categories introduced by the Council are Recreation, Parks & Libraries, Downtown Projects & Municipal Facilities, Electric Systems, Water Systems, Wastewater, Transportation Improvements and Commercial Entertainment Venues.

Looking back at the FY 2021-2025 proposed Capital Program, it totaled $695 million. The appropriations were designated for the Recreation, Parks & Libraries ($8 million), Downtown Projects & Municipal Facilities ($15 million), Electric Systems ($353 million), Water Systems ($141 million), Wastewater ($36 million), Transportation Improvements ($128 million), ($12 million) and Commercial Entertainment Venues ($8 million).

This year’s recommended CIP totals $789 million which is an increase of 13%. The Business Area of Anaheim City Council, California Recreation, Parks & Libraries is appropriated with $12 million, Downtown Projects & Municipal Facilities with $12 million, Electric Systems with $430 million, Water with $156 million, Wastewater with $17 million, Transportation Improvements with $147 million and Commercial Entertainment Venues with $12 million. “Water Mains” is the most expensive water project worth $56 million from the whole water budget.

Source: anaheim.net_cip_2022-2026_proposed 

Middlesex County Utilities Authority Plans on Spending $494 Million on Wastewater Projects in 2021-2026 CIP

In the year 2019 Middlesex County Utilities Authority released the 2020-2025 Capital Improvement Plan showing the projects. The categories introduced by the County are Wastewater Division and Solid Waste Division.

Looking back at the FY 2020-2025 Capital Program, it totaled $390 million. The appropriations were designated for the Business Areas of Wastewater ($349 million), Solid waste ($41 million).

This year’s CIP totals $527 million which is an increase of 35%. The Business Area of Middlesex County Utilities Authority Wastewater is appropriated with $492 million and solid waste $32 million. 


FirmoGraphs has recently published a blog on A Business Developer’s Guide to Capital Improvement Plans blog. FirmoGraphs's staff curates data and news about the US water & wastewater industry, including important regulatory changes, capital plans, and project awards. This information gives water & wastewater industry executives a leg-up in their local, state, and national business development activities within the United States.

Notable M&A


The following M&A transactions in the Water and Wastewater Industry stand out in the month of May:

What We Are Reading

Reading News and Market Updates

Here are some recent articles our team has been reading:


Meeting Planner

Fiscal Year Planning-min

Organizations have shifted their event strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic.  We are tracking these changing meeting plans. 

Meetings in August and September 2021

Early Birds Registration

  • Event: WWWEA Conference  
    Dates: Oct. 10 - Oct. 13, 2021
    Deadline for Early Registration: Aug. 31, 2021