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FirmoGraphs keeps its clients up to date on capital plans of interest for long-term business development. We help our customers use this information to gain a competitive advantage and improve proactive conversations with their clients. We recently processed the latest capital spending plan by the city of Chattanooga, Tennessee. Here are our observations. 

In the CIP covering the 2025-2029 fiscal years, Chattanooga detailed plans to spend $728 million on capital projects, a decrease of 8% from $788 million in its 2024-2028 CIP. The current and prior CIP has 128 line items. The table below breaks down Chattanooga’s planned capital spending by business area for its last two CIPs.

*Numbers are Rounded

Chattanooga Increases Park and Public Works Funding, Cuts Wastewater Budget

Planned spending in the Parks and Outdoors category increased by 184%, primarily due to the addition of Montague Park, which includes partial funding for stormwater enhancements deemed appropriate for the site and perimeter right-of-way (ROW). The $34 million increase in the Public Works category is allocated to eight new projects. These increases are accompanied by a 29% decrease in the Wastewater category, attributable to ongoing projects nearing completion.

Chattanooga Invests Nearly $50 Million in Wastewater Infrastructure

Chattanooga has four notable line items valued at over $25 million. The most significant of these is the Class A POWER Project (SPOI PH 4 Digester/THP Improvements), worth $49 million, categorized under Wastewater. This project includes solids handling facilities such as pre-thickening and cake storage, THP and post-THP equipment provided by a vendor, steam generation and cooling systems, sludge blending capabilities, and anaerobic digesters. Other notable line items include:

  • Shallowford Road - worth $36 million, under the Public Works category. The project involves improvements to the Shallowford Road corridor from Jersey Pike to Airport Road, including replacing two bridges, adding a lane each direction, and introducing a shared use path adjacent to the roadway to improve safety and transportation network connectivity. 
  • MBEC Wet Weather Treatment Upgrade - worth $35 million, under the Wastewater category. This project will design and build selected alternatives identified during the Wet Weather Treatment Upgrade feasibility analysis.
  • Pump Station Improvements - Multiple - worth $30 million, under the Wastewater category. 

How FirmoGraphs Can Help 

FirmoGraphs curates data about U.S. public sector markets, including transportation improvement programs, regulatory developments, and other critical information. We help our customers use this information to gain a competitive advantage and improve proactive conversations with their clients. We’d be glad to meet with you and help your company sort through the wealth of information in improvement programs and other publicly available documents. Feel free to request a meeting and review the data live on our Business Intelligence platform.