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FirmoGraphs keeps its clients up to date on capital plans of interest for long-term business development. We help our customers use this information to gain a competitive advantage and improve proactive conversations with their clients. We recently processed the latest capital spending plan by the city of Palo Alto, California. Here are our observations. 

In the CIP covering the 2025-2029 fiscal years, Palo Alto detailed plans to spend $1.5 billion on capital projects, an increase of 40% from $1.1 billion in its 2024-2028 CIP. The current CIP has 194 line items, compared to 229 line items in the prior CIP. The table below breaks down Palo Alto’s planned capital spending by business area for its last two CIPs.

*Numbers are Rounded

Traffic and Transportation Investment Triples with $280M Rail Safety Upgrade

Planned spending in the Traffic and Transportation increased by 200% due to the Meadow Drive and Charleston Road Rail Grade Separation and Safety Improvements, which increased by $280 million. 

Palo Alto's Major Infrastructure Project Exceed $300 Million

Palo Alto has two notable line items valued at over $100 million and four at over $10 million. The largest line item is the Meadow Drive and Charleston Road Rail Grade Separation and Safety Improvements, worth 396 million, under the Traffic and Transportation category. This project provides for the planning, design, and construction of the grade separations at the existing at grade crossings on Meadow Drive and Charleston Road in the Caltrain Rail Corridor. Listed below are the other notable line items:

  • Churchill Avenue Rail Grade Separation and Safety Improvements - worth $194 million, under the Traffic and Transportation category. This project provides for the planning, design, and construction of the grade separation at the existing at grade crossing on Churchill Avenue in the Caltrain Rail Corridor.
  • Outfall Line Construction - worth 18 million, under the Wastewater Treatment category. This project consists of the construction of a new parallel outfall pipe to convey final plant effluent to San Francisco Bay.
  • New Laboratory And Environmental Services Building - worth $17 million, under the Wastewater Treatment category. This project provides funding for a new building that will consolidate staff and provide a larger updated lab.
  • Newell Road/San Francisquito Creek Bridge Replacement - worth 17 million, under the Streets and Sidewalks. This project will provide funding to remove and replace the Newell Road bridge over San Francisquito Creek.
  • Fire Station 4 Replacement - worth $15 million, under the Buildings and Facilities category. This project provides funding to replace Fire Station 4 at the corner of Middlefield Road and East Meadow Drive.

How FirmoGraphs Can Help 

FirmoGraphs curates data about U.S. public sector markets, including transportation improvement programs, regulatory developments, and other critical information. We help our customers use this information to gain a competitive advantage and improve proactive conversations with their clients. We’d be glad to meet with you and help your company sort through the wealth of information in improvement programs and other publicly available documents. Feel free to request a meeting and review the data live on our Business Intelligence platform.