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FirmoGraphs is continuously tracking major infrastructure projects and trends across the country. 

Wastewater Industry Insight

Did you know… The Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department approved the next round of appropriations as part of the $1.6 billion federally-mandated Consent Decree?

A little more… In September 2020, Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department adopted FY 2020-2026 Capital Budget and Multi-Year Capital Plan totaling $11.5 billion. The Consent Decree, which began in 2013, requires $1.6 billion to be invested by 2028 in 82 capital projects. The projects include adding 3 new Wastewater Treatment Plants, over 30 pumping stations, and numerous pipelines. The 2021 appropriations are $210.94 million, which are planned to be used to design, construct, and rehabilitate infrastructure improvements at Wastewater Treatment Plants.

FirmoGraphs curates data and news about U.S. Wastewater market, including important regulatory changes, capital plans, and project awards. This information gives wastewater industry executives a leg-up in their local, state, and national business development activities within the United States.

Industry Insights give you information that you may not otherwise notice within large Business Intelligence applications.