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FirmoGraphs is continuously tracking major infrastructure projects and trends across the country.


Transit Infrastructure Markets
Industry Insight


Did you know... that the Illinois Department of Transportation is investing $1.5 billion in local, municipal, and county transportation projects?


A little more... The most recent $250 million grant is the third of six installments of Rebuild Illinois, a state infrastructure bill passed in 2019 to invest $33.2 billion in three years. $1.5 billion of the plan is focused on the transportation needs at the town, county, and municipal levels. This capital program is the largest in Illinois history, and is focusing on all modes of transportation. More information including the full list of the awarded funds by county and city can be found here.


FirmoGraphs curates data and news about U.S. transit infrastructure markets, including important regulatory changes, capital plans, and project awards. This information gives transit industry executives a leg-up in their local, state, and national business development activities within the U.S.