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FirmoGraphs is continuously tracking major infrastructure projects and trends across the country. 

Civil Infrastructure Construction
Industry Insight

Did you know.... The San Jose City Council awarded the Fire Department Training Center and Emergency Operations Center Relocation Project to a $39.5 million bid?

A Little More... On January 12th, the San Jose City Council awarded the Fire Department Training Center and Emergency Operations Center Relocation Project to the lowest bidder Zovich & Sons Inc. dba Zovich Construction, Inc. The base bid plus alternates total $54,105,000. There is an approved 10% contingency for this project. Additional competitive bids were received from 7 other pre-qualified bidders. This project involves renovation of 16,000 sq ft of existing space on the 26 acre site and the addition of 56,000 sq ft of new construction.

FirmoGraphs curates data and news about the Northern California public construction projects, including important project awards. This information gives construction industry executives a leg-up in their business development activities.

Industry Insights give you information that you may not otherwise notice within large Business Intelligence applications.